Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources
OSU Extension, Perry County

Theodore Wiseman
The Ohio State University
P.O. Box 270, 212 S. Main St.,
New Lexington, Ohio, 43764
Phone: 7407431602


Biographical Narrative


In my role as an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator at Ohio State University, I am a candidate that has a 100 percent teaching appointment for the diverse needs of Perry County located in southeastern Ohio. Geographically Perry County is glaciated in the northern half and is where the majority of the cereal grain crops are produced. The southern section of the county is more rugged and rich in natural resources including coal, clay, and timber. Livestock is found throughout the entire county comprised of cattle, sheep, swine, goats, and horses. Perry County is included as one of the Appalachian counties.

With this diversity of production my teaching and educational programs focus on livestock production, agronomic crops, horticulture, and natural resource management, my responsibilities encompass a broad spectrum of educational initiatives aimed at empowering local farmers, residents, and stakeholders.

In essence, my academic focus as an Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator encompasses a diverse array of responsibilities aimed at promoting agricultural sustainability, enhancing community resilience, and empowering individuals to thrive in a dynamic rural landscape.


Livestock production (50%): Providing programs in areas of livestock production, nutrition, fencing, grazing, welfare, health, financial management, quality assurance, and mortality composting. I serve as a contributing member to the OSU Beef, Swine and Small Farm College teams. I conduct research on local farms and at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station to develop local and statewide programs, and present research that impacts local, statewide, and national conferences. Information is also distributed to statewide and national publications, presented at national conferences, shared via guest lectures, and published in journals. I am certified to teach Quality Assurance, and Transport Quality Assurance for beef and swine to adults and youth. Certified in livestock mortality composting as well.

Agronomic crops (22%): Corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, spelts and forages are the major commodities grown in Perry County. Pesticide & Fertilizer education is critical for increasing yields by managing weed and insect resistance issues, controlling invasive species, and nutrient management. I am certified to conduct re-certification for producers that have a private pesticide license and fertilizer certification. I have conducted on farm research relating to fertilization rates which was used to update the Tri-Sate Fertilizer Recommendations. For the past four years I have scouted Brown Marmorated Stink bug in Perry County, which is part of a statewide research project. Currently serving as the National Chair of the Agronomy and Pest Management Committee for the National Association of Agricultural Agents (NACAA).

Horticulture (22%): Education and trainings, have also been conducted through master gardeners. Since COVID consumer education on gardening has increased. I have taught several programs on vegetable production to educate both groups with classroom and hands on field demonstrations. There recently has been an increase in local foods and markets with urban residents and rural growers. This increased requests for general agriculture programs and information has allowed me to reach a new group of clientele.


Natural resource management (8%): I offer the Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist trainings to residents of Perry County. Topics that I have taught include timber and maple syrup production, current pesticide uses and information, invasive plant and insect identification and management. Through these initiatives, I contribute to fostering environmental stewardship and conservation practices within the community.


Current Appointments


2021-2024. Assistant Professor. Agriculture and Natural Resources (FTE 1.0), The Ohio State University Extension, Perry County, United States.


Academic Appointments




PhD Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, United States, Aug 1998 - Mar 2006

MS Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, United States, Aug 1995 - Mar 1998

BS Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, United States, Aug 1989 - Dec 1994

Associate Agriculture Production, Hocking Technical College, United States, Aug 1982 - Jun 1984



  • 2018. Fertilizer Certification: Recertify every three years to maintain certification. Certification required for individuals apply fertilizer to crop fields of more than 50 acres. Ohio Department of Agriculture.
  • 2015. Transport Quality Assurance: Certified Instructor for Beef, recertify every three years to keep credentials and maintain certification, The Ohio State University.
  • 2005. Livestock Mortality Composting: Certified Instructor, The Ohio State University.
  • 2004 - 2011. Transport Quality Assurance: Certified Instructor for Pork, recertify every three years to keep credentials and maintain certification, The Ohio State University.
  • 2004. Hazardous Occupational Safety Training in Agriculture: Certified Instructor, Tractor Safety Operation Instructor, Pennsylvania State University
  • 2002. Adult Pork Quality Assurance:  Certified Instructor, recertify every three years to keep credentials and maintain certification, The Ohio State University
  • 2002. Youth Pork Quality Assurance Plus, Certified Instructor, recertify every three years to keep credentials and maintain certification, The Ohio State University


  • 1982 - Present. Private Applicator Pesticide License: Core, Categories 1, 2, 3, 6, Ohio Department of Agriculture.